Learn about CWC’s Values
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Our Core Values
01 — Perfect Love
The essence of God that we choose to intentionally “put on”, that repels fear and is replaced with faith. It is the perfect alignment to the Father’s Heart that allows us to manifest as sons and daughters of Light. Love empowers us to destroy the works & elements of darkness and its kingdom.
Grace: Seeing yourself, everyone and everything as your loving Father sees it. A Truth of “Heaven’s Perspective.”
Honor: A fixed value that Heaven has set for everyone, and where you get to come into agreement with spirit and truth. “Honor all people, Love the brotherhood, revere God, and honor the leaders of Government.” 1 Peter 2:17
Healthiness: Live a whole sanctified life in spirit , soul , and body unto the coming of the Lord Jesus. 1st Thessalonians 5:23
Holiness: The abundant qualities from Christ in you, in whom He has called & created you to be, with accessibility to power & authority. 2 Peter 1:3
02 — Gospel of the Kingdom of God / The Gospel of CHRIST/ Return of CHRIST
The Message of the Kingdom is based on a love to repent from your sin and become born again into a new creation in CHRIST. To proclaim the CROSS and CHRIST crucified and the glorious Return of CHRIST.
03 — Effective Faith
Just as Abraham by faith was accredited with righteousness, so our “effective faith” is realized. And not just realized in a Christian belief system, but through manifestation of all the benefits of “righteousness,” including the workings of signs, wonders, and miracles.
04 — Relationship Through Deep Heart Connections
Intimacy: Relationship in CHRIST and Healthy Christ like relationships to each other.
Forgiveness: Grace & Mercy, the Prevailing Truth, and Freedom
Connection: Fruit that Remains, Righteousness and Peace
05 — Goodness of God